
American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo
Ministria e bujqësisë pylltarisë dhe zhvillimit rural
Dhoma Ekonomike e Grave - G7
Asociacioni i Komunave te KS
Oda Ekonomike e KS
Shoqata Kllasteri i Ndertimevet te Fabrikuara te KS
Klubi i Prodhuesve te KS
Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise
Ministria e puneve te jashtme dhe diaspores
Ministria e Financave
Ministria e mjedisit dhe planifikimit hapësinor dhe infrastruktures
Ministria e Shendetesise
Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit
Ministria e Ekonomise
Ministria e Zhvillimit Rajonal
Dhoma e tregtise dhe industrise kosove
Zyra e Kryeministrit

We are Forumiks

About us

The National Council for Economy and Investment (NCEI) is a collaborative platform established by the Kosovo Government, with the support of the EBRD, to strengthen dialogue between the government and the private sector, enhance the business environment, and promote good governance. The NCEIs efforts are bolstered by a Secretariat, an independent team of professionals selected and contracted by the EBRD to engage directly with the business community. This initiative is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

The team

Since 2015, the National Council for Economy and Investment (NCEI) has been supported and coordinated by a dedicated Secretariat comprised of independent professionals, carefully selected and overseen by the EBRD. The Secretariat's mandate includes direct engagement with the business community, providing the NCEI with rigorous, unbiased research, and ensuring the effective implementation and follow-up of all adopted recommendations. The team is led by the Head of the Secretariat.

Artan Mehmeti

Artan Mehmeti

Head of Secretariat

Artan Mehmeti is an experienced economist and public financial management expert with a strong focus on enhancing investment climates and promoting public-private dialogue. Currently, as the lead of the Secretiariat, he facilitates cross-sectoral discussions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the business environment in Kosovo. This role is complemented through his prior position as Kosovo’s Trade Attaché to Belgium from 2013 to 2014, and other roles that have allowed him to specialize in areas including fiscal policy, investment incentives, and digital transformation. He has worked with international organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme, and USAID activities.

Ms. Stavileci currently serves as the Legal Expert for the Secretariat of the National Council for Economy and Investments, conducting legal analyses and engaging with stakeholders to address regulatory challenges in the business environment. Previously, she worked as a junior legal associate at RPHS Law, focusing on Business, Commercial, and Technology Law. She also interned at the New York Legal Assistance Group’s Consumer Protection Unit, facilitating loan agreement restructurings in the US.To date, Festa has been engaged with various national and international projects, including human rights conferences and training. 

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Prishtina, and she has earned her Master of Law (LL.M.) at Duke University School of Law in 2023, specializing in Business Law.

Mr. Dema joined the Secretariat in March 2024, bringing a diverse academic and professional background. He holds a Bachelor’s in Banking, Finance, and Accounting from the University of Prishtina and a Master’s in Economic Development and Policy Analysis from the University of Nottingham, UK. He also has specialized training in macroeconomics and data analysis.

As an Economic Expert at the Secretariat, Mr. Dema assists the Head of Secretariat in identifying economic challenges through surveys and other analysis. He also maintains databases of businesses' concerns, monitors the implementation of recommendations by public institutions, and develops interactive dashboards for economic data analysis.

Previously, he served as a Researcher at the Riinvest Institute and an Economic Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers in Kosovo.

Ms. Fejzullahu joined the Secretariat in January 2024. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Management & Economics from the University for Business and Technology in Prishtina / Kosovo. She is currently completing her studies in English Language and Literature at the University of Prishtina. With a broad range of professional experience across various international organizations, both in Kosovo and abroad, Ms. Fejzullahu has taken on multiple roles, including interpreter, administrative staff member, and finance specialist.

Forumiks mbështetet nga:


Zyra e Kryeministrit

European Bank
Swiss people